
Rising from the Ashes: Avian Influenza A (H9N2) Strikes in West Bengal, India

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Avian influenza A(H9N2) virus, predominantly known for its prevalence in poultry populations, has recently surfaced in the West Bengal state of India, prompting concerns over potential public health ramifications. This report, compiled from various sources including the World Health Organization (WHO), aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the recent case and subsequent response efforts.

Avian Influenza A (H9N2) Case Details

The identified case involves a 4-year-old child residing in West Bengal, with a history of hyper reactive airway disease. The child presented symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, and seizures, ultimately leading to hospitalization and diagnosis. Laboratory tests initially revealed influenza B and adenovirus, but further testing confirmed the presence of avian influenza A(H9N2) virus. This marks the second human infection of H9N2 reported to WHO from India, following a previous case in 2019.

Transmission Dynamics and Risk Assessment

Human infections with avian influenza A(H9N2) commonly stem from direct or indirect contact with infected poultry or contaminated environments. While most cases manifest mild clinical illness, the potential for sporadic cases persists due to the virus’s prevalence in poultry populations. Despite this, the current public health risk is deemed low, with no evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission identified.

Response and Coordination Activities

The Government of India has swiftly initiated coordinated efforts to address the emergence of avian influenza A(H9N2). These efforts include enhanced surveillance of influenza-like illness (ILI) in both humans and animals, as well as the formation of multidisciplinary teams comprising public health specialists, pediatricians, and veterinary officials. These teams are tasked with investigating ILI occurrences in local poultry and bolstering surveillance measures to contain further spread.

Preventive Measures and Recommendations

In line with WHO guidelines, preventive measures are paramount in mitigating the risk of transmission. The public is advised to avoid unprotected contact with live poultry and high-risk environments such as live animal markets. Furthermore, infection prevention and control measures, including hand hygiene and environmental cleaning, are emphasized. Healthcare facilities are urged to implement early infection control protocols, including screening, triaging, and provision of appropriate personal protective equipment for healthcare workers.


Global Recommendations

All human infections caused by novel influenza virus subtypes are notifiable under the International Health Regulations (IHR), necessitating immediate notification to WHO. Despite the emergence of avian influenza A(H9N2), WHO advises against implementing travel or trade restrictions based on current information. Vigilance, enhanced surveillance, and coordinated response efforts are pivotal in containing further spread and mitigating the impact of avian influenza outbreaks.

Emerging Challenges and Adaptation Strategies

In addition to the immediate response efforts, several emerging challenges warrant consideration in the ongoing management of avian influenza A(H9N2) in West Bengal and beyond. Firstly, the presence of comorbidities, such as the child’s hyperreactive airway disease in this case, highlights the potential for severe outcomes among vulnerable populations. Ensuring adequate healthcare access and tailored interventions for individuals with underlying health conditions is therefore essential.

Furthermore, the evolving nature of avian influenza viruses underscores the importance of continuous surveillance and research to monitor for genetic mutations or reassortment events that could alter transmissibility or virulence. Collaborative research efforts between public health agencies, academic institutions, and the veterinary sector are crucial for early detection and understanding of these changes, informing timely response strategies and vaccine development initiatives.

Moreover, the interconnected nature of global trade and travel necessitates robust international cooperation in surveillance, information sharing, and response coordination. Strengthening regional and international partnerships through platforms like the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) enables timely exchange of data, expertise, and resources to support countries in their preparedness and response efforts.


The detection of avian influenza A(H9N2) in West Bengal, India, underscores the ongoing threat posed by zoonotic diseases. While the current risk to public health is assessed as low, continued vigilance and proactive measures are imperative to prevent further spread and mitigate potential consequences. Collaboration between national and international health agencies remains crucial in effectively addressing emerging infectious disease threats.


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