
Transformative Revamp: Foundation Spearheads Health and Wellness Revolution to Eradicate Smoking

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In a recent development that has reignited concerns within the public health community, the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, previously funded by tobacco giant Philip Morris International, has undergone a significant rebranding. The organization, now operating under the name Global Action to End Smoking,
has prompted a swift response from the World Health Organization (WHO), urging Member States and public health entities to maintain their distance from the newly named entity.

End Smooking

Renewed Controversy: Tobacco Company-Funded Foundation Rebrands in Effort to End Smoking

The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, established with funding from Philip Morris International in 2017, initially garnered attention for its purported mission to support research and initiatives aimed at reducing smoking prevalence worldwide. However, its ties to the tobacco industry drew widespread skepticism and condemnation from WHO and other public health advocates, prompting a clear directive against collaboration.

Now, with its rebranding as Global Action to End Smoking, the organization’s intentions and affiliations are once again under scrutiny. WHO has reaffirmed its stance against partnering with the entity, citing ongoing concerns regarding its funding source and its potential alignment with the tobacco industry’s broader agenda.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus -Director-General of WHO

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, emphasized the organization’s unwavering commitment to independent public health efforts aimed at combating tobacco and nicotine use. He stressed the need for governments and public health stakeholders to remain vigilant and prioritize
genuine initiatives that prioritize the well-being of populations over corporate interests.


The decision to rebrand the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World as Global Action to End Smoking raises questions about the organization’s credibility and motives. Critics argue that despite its new name, the entity continues to operate with funding from Philip Morris International, a company with a vested interest in maintaining tobacco and nicotine product sales.

Particular concern is the potential for Global Action to End Smoking to target vulnerable populations, including children and young people, in its efforts to promote alternative nicotine products. WHO warns that such tactics could perpetuate addiction and undermine efforts to achieve a smoke-free future.
As the public health community grapples with the implications of this latest development, WHO underscores the importance of remaining steadfast in the pursuit of evidence-based strategies to reduce tobacco and nicotine use. Genuine progress, WHO contends, can only be achieved through collective action that prioritizes public health over commercial interests.

In light of these revelations, WHO calls upon governments and public health entities to redouble their efforts to implement robust tobacco control measures, including stringent regulation of tobacco and nicotine products, comprehensive tobacco cessation programs, and public awareness campaigns highlighting the dangers of tobacco use.

As the world continues to confront the global burden of tobacco-related illness and death, WHO remains committed to supporting Member States in their efforts to create a tobacco-free future for all. The rebranding of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges posed by the tobacco industry and the critical importance of maintaining vigilance in the face of evolving tactics aimed at undermining public health progress.

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