
Maharashtra Reports 91 Cases of New Flirts’ COVID-19 Variants, No Increase in Severe Illness

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A new set of COVID-19 variants collectively named Flirt, which includes strains KP.1.1 and KP.2, has been detected in Maharashtra, with the state recording 91 cases, health officials confirmed on Sunday. Despite the rising numbers, experts maintain that there is no immediate cause for alarm.

Dr. Anjali Mathur, a leading infectious disease specialist in Mumbai, highlighted that the recent cases of the KP.2 variant, detected through genome sequencing efforts in March and April, have not led to any hospitalizations or deaths. “We have observed these cases closely, and the lack of severe symptoms or increased hospital demand is reassuring,” Dr. Mathur explained during a press briefing.

According to Dr. Suresh Kumar, Maharashtra’s coordinator for genome sequencing, KP.2 has emerged as the predominant strain in the state. This development comes without a corresponding rise in severe COVID-19 cases or hospital admissions, as per recent health data.

Originating from the Omicron lineage, FLiRT variants are known for their high transmissibility and potential to evade immunity from past infections and vaccinations. Despite these characteristics, the impact on public health has been moderate. “While the variants spread efficiently, the symptoms remain mild, akin to those of influenza, and the overall situation is under control,” added Dr. Mathur.

The symptoms associated with the Flirts variants, which include sore throat, congestion, fever, and fatigue, are similar to earlier forms of the virus. Dr. Mathur, echoing observations by global health experts, suggests that “It’s time to start considering COVID-19 on similar terms as the flu, focusing on surveillance and treatment rather than emergency measures.”

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that KP.2 accounts for about 25% of new COVID-19 cases sequenced in the U.S. in late April, pointing to a significant spread beyond Indian borders.

Despite the potential challenges posed by the FLiRT variants, Dr. Kumar advises continued vigilance. “It’s crucial to maintain robust genome sequencing to track the evolution of the virus and adapt our strategies accordingly,” he said.

Public health authorities continue to recommend vaccinations, particularly for those not yet immunized or at high risk. Regular hand washing, mask-wearing in crowded places, and staying home when sick remain part of the recommended practices to manage transmission.

As the situation evolves, Maharashtra’s health department remains committed to updating the public on the COVID-19 landscape and ensuring the health system is prepared to manage new cases effectively.

In the United States, the FLiRT COVID-19 variants, formally known as FLiRT for “Furin cleavage site Loss and increased syncytia through R346T mutation,” are gaining traction. Approximately one in four new sequenced cases towards the end of April was attributed to the KP.2 strain, demonstrating its rapid spread across multiple states. Health officials are particularly vigilant due to the variant’s ability to evade immunity from previous infections and vaccinations, and its higher transmissibility compared to earlier variants.

Americans are urged to continue following proven COVID-19 precautions to mitigate the spread of the FLiRT variants. These include receiving up-to-date vaccinations, wearing masks in crowded indoor settings, practicing good hand hygiene, and maintaining physical distancing where possible. Those experiencing symptoms should seek testing and isolate if positive, to prevent further transmission.

The FLiRT variants, emerging from the lineage of the highly transmissible Omicron variant, present new challenges but thus far have not led to an increase in severe cases or hospitalizations in the U.S. This underscores the importance of public health measures and the role of vaccinations in controlling the spread of the virus while allowing for a better understanding and response to these new strains.

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