Summer Survival Guide: Big No to These Foods for Cool and Energized Days!

Written by Tissha news

May 25, 2024

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Beat the heat by knowing which foods to avoid this summer. Some foods can make you feel sluggish, dehydrated, or even upset your stomach. Stay cool and healthy with these tips !

Fried Foods

Avoid fried foods like French fries, fried chicken, and doughnuts.

These can cause bloating and indigestion, making you feel uncomfortable in the heat.

Spicy Foods

Spicy foods can increase body temperature and cause excessive sweating .Spicy foods can increase body temperature and cause excessive sweating

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Ice cream and other dairy products can be hard to digest and may lead to stomach discomfort in the heat. Opt for non-dairy alternatives.

Dairy Products

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Sugary sodas and energy drinks can lead to dehydration. Choose water, coconut water, or herbal teas to stay hydrated.

Sugary Drinks

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Red meat and other heavy proteins take longer to digest, increasing your body's heat production. Try lighter options like fish or tofu.

Heavy Meats

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Too much caffeine can dehydrate you. Limit coffee and opt for iced herbal teas or water instead.


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